Proofreading can help ensure your writing is crystal clear
A well-written idea will get your point across to a larger audience
Professional + Potential Cost Savings
Simple spelling/grammar mistakes, which are easily overlooked, make your work look unprofessional. Proofreading can help elevate your work, making it more polished and clear.
I’ve seen spelling errors on NFTs, which can be hard or impossible to change. Reduce the potential of a costly or embarrassing mistake by being proactive and reviewing your work.
English not your first-language?
Two things a proofreader looks for is logical flow and verb/tense agreement. It is easy to mix up tenses when writing in a second (or third) language. I can provide feedback, comments, and corrections to help ensure the words flow and your idea is presented clearly. As well, the edits can help you improve your writing, by learning from them.
Grammar Police
Those generally not good at grammar would benefit from a proofreader. I’m an undercover grammar police—I won’t comment on the mistake publicly, of course, but I will notice it, and it happens a lot. It doesn’t necessarily make me appreciate the content any less, but it goes back to clarity: a clear point will go farther and reach more people.
Examples of where I can be of service:
NFT Descriptions and Properties
Discord Channels
Investor Reports
Medium and Substack
Anything with words!